Ever dream of having breast augmentation surgery without leaving visible evidence? Intrigued?
Since 2004 this dream has been a reality in my practice. TUBA or transumbilical breast augmentation requires a tiny incision in the belly button, specialized instrumentation, and an endoscopic camera. Add an experienced operative team and I am able to offer a safe, reliable, precise breast augmentation procedure without making incisions on patient’s breasts. The TUBA operation itself is short (which means less anesthesia) and recovery is quick. It makes sense when you think about it: one incision require less time to close and less healing than two incisions. Many of my patients strategically plan to have their TUBA procedures on Friday so that they can return to work on Monday. To find out more about the TUBA procedure please contact our office at 772-563-0930 or visit us on the web at www.premierplasticsurgeryfl.com.
Is your fear of scars keeping you from having breast augmentation?
A revolutionary procedure that utilizes a tiny incision in the belly button (TUBA = transumbilical breast augmentation) has opened the door for patients who don’t scar well but would otherwise want breast implants. Keloid scar formation occurs more often in patients with darker skin tones though it is certainly possible in anyone. Patients with this type of tendency justifiably don’t want to risk developing thick, wide, raised or discolored scars on their breasts. The transumbilical approach avoids incisions on the breasts so unfavorable breast scarring is not an issue. The operation itself is very precise in terms of the implant placement which can be located either above or below the muscle (much more common). To find out more about the transumbilical breast augmentation procedure and to see if it is right for you call our office at 772-563-0930. Our knowledgeable and friendly staff will help schedule your personalized complementary consultation.
According to FDA guidelines patients who are age 18 through 21 are not candidates for gel implants. What do I do now?
The good news is that saline implants are still an option for this age group. The better news is that it provides an opportunity for breast augmentation without any scars on the breasts. At my AAAA certified surgical facility I perform breast augmentations both saline and silicone through multiple approaches including inframammary (incisions just above the breast fold), areolar (incisions at the pigmented inferior border of the areola with the native skin), axillary (incisions in the armpit), and umbilical (an incision within the belly button crater). For those patients who choose saline implants or who are limited to saline implants by age the transumbilical approach is by far the most popular. There are several reasons for this including: no scars on the breasts themselves, extremely precise implant placement, and quick recovery. The majority of our patients who employ this technique go out to dinner the evening of surgery. We see every patient the next day in the office. To find out if transumbilical breast augmentation is right for you call our office at 772-563-0930. Our extremely knowledgeable and friendly staff will help answer your questions and schedule your personalized free consultation.